
24 hour period.

it's amazing how much can change over a matter of hours even minutes. it's amazing how differently one can view certain events over time. blah blah. we all have been "victims" of this. and i say the word victim only because one of the worst feelings in the world is realizing what you've stood on-ideas and such-for so long, has crumbled beneath you, leaving you to step on broken thoughts and decisions you never thought you'd ever have to make. this goes for pretty much anything, where you work, what kind of music you like, whom ever you're in love with, how you see the government, etc etc etc. one minor detail might mess up whatever you thought you were content with. but in my opinion the difference between a sane person and an insane person is that the sane person understands that the world around us changes constantly constantly constantly, and accepts it and molds into the same shapes. think of water and how it takes the shape of its container. tee hee. while an insane person does whatever he can to keep the ground constant, to keep whatever he has infront of him the same. that's crazy. it's never going to be the same. my opinion is changing even now as i write it down. and think about it further. but that's ok. blah blah blah
what is up with females of the world ! ?
what happened to class and respect. now i'm not in a million years suggesting that we all should hide away tucked in our homes and become prude, all i'm saying is what happened to acting like a lady? guys, who are forever going to hunt us, have adapted to this change and in return feel that treating us like dogs and cats is the only way to a girl's heart. i see so many young woman willingly put up with disrespect. i hate it! where are all the gentlemen in the world. ugh. i guess this is old-fashioned way of thinking. but we've swayed so far from this it's time we at least looked back on modesty and self respect! haha
it's a shame.
memoirs of a geisha. thank you for opening my eyes.
let's see let's see. what else?
no that's it.